Ang-Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation
The Ang-Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation of Laura (Ang Gnarra) is a registered Aboriginal corporation, which was incorporated on 19 October 1984 as a representative Organisation for the Aboriginal community of Laura. It is the trustee of the traditional lands of the KuKu Thay Pan, Olkola, Ku Ku Pussom / KuKu Warra and Laura people, which is situated around the township of Laura.
The corporation is composed of Aboriginal members who normally live in or near Laura, or who are accepted as having traditional or historical affiliation with the surrounding Quinkan Country.
One of the corporation’s key areas of responsibility is to support and advise on matters relating to the cultural heritage of Quinkan Country.
The corporation is currently undertaking significant organisational and economic development to establish commercial activities for the benefit of its members. There are currently, approximately 45 registered members.